
Kim Davis’ jailing is about bigotry, not religious freedoms

Today, Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will travel to Kentucky to support Kim Davis at an “#ImWithKim Liberty Rally”.  His support of a woman who refused to sign marriage licenses for same-sex couples (due to her belief in a homophobic deity) shows that once again, Huckabee and the Christian right have gotten it all wrong.


We should all be anti-anti-vaxxers

In June this year, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 277, a law that made vaccines mandatory, eliminating the right to abstain due to religious or conscientious reasons.  Now, only medical exemptions are granted.  While this law is undoubtedly great, it has been highly polarizing, for reasons that are honestly difficult to understand.


Why doesn’t the Westboro Baptist Church picket seafood restaurants?

Unsurprisingly, the hateful Westboro Baptist Church is upset about the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to be married.  The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is comprised largely of the family of its now-dead founder, Fred Phelps.  This group of people pickets controversial funerals, holding up signs that say […]