Politics Science

Making America Dumb Again

The Republican Party is making this country more ignorant, bigoted, and intolerant every day.  Their adamant refusal to compromise, their denial of evidence regarding our climate, and their blatant pandering to the evangelicals is hurting our country.  Our political system hit a nadir last week when, during a nationally televised debate, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump bragged […]

Politics Science

When will our politicians stop pandering to the ignorant?

The Republican Party is overtly anti-science.  The current group of candidates for President of the United States is comprised of people who reject reason and evidence in favor of detrimental myths and superstition.  Our Founding Fathers deliberately made the United States a secular nation—something that was unprecedented at the time—and yet today’s Republicans pander to the lowest common denominator of our […]


We should all be anti-anti-vaxxers

In June this year, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 277, a law that made vaccines mandatory, eliminating the right to abstain due to religious or conscientious reasons.  Now, only medical exemptions are granted.  While this law is undoubtedly great, it has been highly polarizing, for reasons that are honestly difficult to understand.